Caring for Students - Counselling and Wellbeing Support

St Francis de Sales provides counselling support to students, which is available at the counselling offices in the Student Health Centre during school hours.  

Counsellor:   Mr Peter McPhee - Monday to Thursday.

Social Worker/Counsellor: Mr Daryl Clayton - Monday to Friday.

Our counsellors offer the following services to our students:

  • Short term personal counselling
  • Therapeutic counselling for small groups 
  • Ongoing counselling for students who may require ongoing support 
  • A limited range of educational and wellbeing assessments.

Referral Processes:

Students may be referred by pastoral staff, classroom teachers or other College staff.

Individual students may request counselling support privately.

Parents and carers, or students seeking referrals to the school psychologist are advised to contact the relevant year leader and make a request.


Counselling services offered are predominantly confidential, although all counsellors are ethically obliged to report any concerns relating to a student's safety.

For further information about our counselling services please contact our friendly front office staff.

St Francis de Sales College is supported by SchoolsTV. This service provides support and information on a range of wellbeing services for parents, carers and students. SchoolsTV can be accessed through this link: